I am a Database Researcher and Software Engineer at Oracle. I am with the MySQL HeatWave team, where we are building a unified database engine that offers high performance in both analytical and transactional workloads.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Data Intensive Applications and Systems group of EPFL, where I worked with Anastasia Ailamaki on various aspects of real-time analytics and stream processing. I completed my PhD in the Computing Systems group of NTUA advised by Nectarios Koziris and Dimitrios Tsoumakos. While doing my PhD, I spent some time in the U.S. where I worked in IBM as a research intern. Be­fore that, I stud­ied Elec­tri­cal and Com­puter En­gi­neer­ing at NTUA.


Ioannis Mytilinis is a Software Engineer @ MySQL HeatWave, Oracle.

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